Stourbridge Running Club | Safeguarding Policy V1 December 2024
Safeguarding Adult Procedures
Stourbridge Running Club (SRC)
Each member of SRC. has a responsibility to safeguard adults who are experiencing or are at risk of,
abuse and or neglect. The club is for adults 18 and over. If in exceptional circumstances a child (under
18) attends in the presence of a Parent/Guardian then the club expects them to safeguard the child
whilst at the club or club-organised event. A Parent/Guardian with a child at the club must run in the
same group as the child on a run night.
Policy Statement
The club is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment for all people who
attend the club. It accepts responsibility to assist in the welfare of all people, to safeguard them from
abuse and to fulfil its duty of care. It will follow the adult safeguarding procedures as advised by
England Athletics.
What to do if you have concerns about another club member?
1. SRC. members are not expected to be experts in recognition of safeguarding concerns but do have
a responsibility to report any concerns to the SRC committee members or club safeguarding
2. A member may be concerned about harm to another person because of something they have seen
or heard, information they have been told by others, or because someone has confided in them
about things that are happening or have happened to an adult at the club. It is not the concerned
person’s responsibility to prove or decide whether an adult has been harmed or abused. It is,
however, everyone’s responsibility to respond to and report concerns they have. There are many
signs and indicators that may suggest someone is being abused or neglected. There may be other
explanations, but they should not be ignored.
3. When raising concerns the views of the concerned person should be sought to establish what they
would like to happen and to inform them that you are passing on the details to a club safeguarding
official or committee member.
4. SRC will keep the concerned person informed about any decisions and actions the club might take
and will always consider their views.
5. If the Club Safeguarding Official cannot be easily contacted or it is not appropriate to do so, or it is
felt that the situation is not being dealt with properly the issue can be reported directly to the
appropriate England Athletics Safeguarding Official.
6. Any information must be shared in the strictest of confidence and only with the explicit approval of
the appointed safeguarding person or the Club Chairman. Others may be informed but on a strictly
need-to-know basis.
7. Notwithstanding the contents of this policy, if there is a need for immediate medical attention or a
belief that a crime is being committed club members should call the emergency services.
What actions will the Club Safeguarding officer take?
1. The Club Safeguarding Official will undertake an appropriate investigation and report to the Club
Chairman together with a proposed course of action which will consider the view of the victim.
2. The person making the referral will not be referred to in any formal report of actions or outcomes as
a result of their referral, to protect their confidentially.3. The club official will keep a log of the referral in a secure place as agreed by the club committee.
4. The safeguarding officer will report at every club committee if there are any issues or incidents.
5. The Club Welfare/Safeguarding Officer will refer the case to the EA/UKA Safeguarding Team as
soon as possible. This will be done by sending the Adult Safeguarding Report Form to, or by submitting an Online Safeguarding Concern Form using the link
on the EA governing body website. EA will follow their Safeguarding Policy to determine an
appropriate course of action.
To be completed as fully as possible where there are concerns regarding an adult.
If it is safe to do so, it is important to inform the adult (at risk) about your concerns and that you
have a duty to pass the information on to the Club Welfare Officer/EA/UKA Safeguarding Team.
Complete as much of the form with the information available.
Section 1 – Details of adult (you have concerns about)
Date of birth/age
Contact phone number
Emergency contact (if known)
Consent to share information with emergency contact? Yes No
Section 2 – Details of the person completing this form/your details
Contact phone number
Email address
Name of organisation/club
Role in organisation
Section 3 – Details of concern
Give details about what has been seen or told by others that makes you believe the adult is at risk of
harm or is being abused or neglected (include dates/times/evidence from records/photos etc.)
Section 4 – Details of the person thought to be causing harm (if known)
Date of birth/age (if known)
Relationship/connection to adult
Name of organisation/club
Role in club/organisation
Do they have contact with other adults at risk in another capacity (eg in their work/family/as a
Section 5 – The views of the adult you have concerns about
Have you discussed your concerns with the adult? What are their views?
What have they stated about what they want to happen and what outcomes they want?
Section 6 – Reasons for not discussing with the adult
For example, discussion would put the adult or others at risk/adult appears to lack mental capacity/
adult unable to communicate their views.
Section 7 – Risk to others
Are any other adults at risk? If yes, please add details here based on sections 1–6 above.
Are any children at risk? If yes, please add details here.
Section 8 – Club action
What action have you taken if any/agreed with the adult to reduce the risks? (e.g. person causing
harm suspended/session times changed).
Section 9 – Other agencies contacted
Who has been contacted/reference number/contact details/advice gained/action being taken
Section 10 – Submit the form
Send this form to the UKA Safeguarding Team