Health & Safety Policy
General Statement of Intent
Stourbridge Running Club (the Club) takes the health, safety and well-being of its members and other persons who may be affected by any acts and omissions associated with its undertakings seriously. This value also extends to its respect for property and the environment.
The Club accepts its duties to people, property and the environment under statute and common law. It will put in place appropriate measures to ensure that, so far as is reasonably practicable, these duties are met for all organised Club events.
To help ensure that the Club achieves these objectives all members of the Club are expected to follow or exceed the health and safety standards and guidance as outlined within this Policy. It is also the responsibility of all Club members to take ownership of, and care of, their own health and safety and ensure that others are not affected by their acts or omissions.
Ultimate responsibility for the discharge of these duties falls onto the Chair.
The Club will create safe environments for events by completing risk assessments and implementing the control measures which are identified where risk is not deemed to be tolerable.
Runs and training events organised and undertaken by Club members for their own purpose and events which they participate in but which are organised by other organisations / running clubs are not subject to the requirements of this Policy.
This Policy was approved by the Club Committee to reflect the Committee’s collective commitment to its intent.
Steve Coldicott
Chair Stourbridge Running Club